The show must go on .... so we've changed the date to Thurs 21st Dec at 7.30pm. Because of the weather we have postponed Hay Theatre's "Christmas Spirit" performance for a week. All tickets are valid for the new date and if you want tickets they are available from Addyman Books in Lion Street in Hay-on-Wye or email us to let us know you are coming. There will be mulled wine and mince pies too and a chance to really get into the Christmas spirit.
Oh no - someone forgot to defrost the Turkey! "Christmas Spirit" looking great for next Thursday Dec 21st at Clifford Community Centre 7.30pm. Rehearsing with Keith Hodgetts, Julia Hall, Kerrie Reading, June Lewis, Malk Williams, Derek Addyman, Stephen Goodridge, Sue Hodgetts and Julia Collard Morelli